It's been baking outside, hope everyone else is keeping cool! Yes, I spend a lot of time at pools and spraypads these days - this one is at Espee Park in Chandler - have a great Saturday!
My favorite daily photos for today are:
Saturday, June 30, 2007
More water fun
Friday, June 29, 2007
Three Ocotillo Amigos
These spiny guys stand outside the downtown Chandler library, in the same complex as the senior center and the Chandler Museum, which I have not yet visited, even though it's free!
my favorite daily photos for today:
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Palm Tree Farm?
This is a patch of land dense with palm trees on the way to Central Arizona College, which is out in the middle of the desert near Coolidge. I guess it's a palm tree nursery, but I didn't see a sign. Breaks up the desert scenery, at least.
My favorite daily photos for today:
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Praying Monk
Here's a (kind of blurry) shot of Camelback Mountain and the Praying Monk - Can you see him?
My favorite three daily photos for the day:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Chandler Library
Here's the downtown (main) branch of the Chandler Library - nice, air-conditioned building!
My favorite daily photos for the day:
Monday, June 25, 2007
My favorite saloon
Everyone has a favorite saloon, right? The Rusty Spur is in Old Town Scottsdale, and I love it because it always has good live music, colorful characters, cold beer, and an old cowboy named Ted who is always there, working the crowd. If you're lucky, you'll also catch the Singing Cowboy, who rides around on his horse, and will occasionally bring the horse right into the tiny saloon to serenade the crowd. Good stuff.
My favorite daily photos for the day:
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Prickly Pear Fence
Here's another shot taken around the Tempe Public Library
My favorite daily photos for the day:
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Random mural
This mural was done by a Junior High School student, I think it's covering up an electrical box of some sort; it sits outside the Tempe Public Library - have a great weekend!
My favorite daily photos for the day:
Friday, June 22, 2007
Country gate
This is a gate that leads to a little pond outside of the Orme sod farm, off of I-17 on your way to Flagstaff - we always stop here and stretch our legs and check out what's going on at the peaceful little (sometimes stinky) pond.
my favorite daily photos for the day:
Thursday, June 21, 2007
It's Hot!
More water park fun at Espee Park to celebrate the (so-far) hottest day of the year - I think it got to 113F today - wear that sunscreen!
my favorite daily photos for the day:
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Old Town Scottsdale 2
This is one of the streets in Old Town Scottsdale - very pretty area, with kind of a Main Street feel.
My to three fave daily photos:
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hipville, AZ

Monday, June 18, 2007
My favorite mall
Sorry about the pole in the middle, but this is the entrance to my favorite mall, the Chandler Fashion Center. It even has a nice play area for the kiddos, great for when the temperatures get too high. Can you tell I took this picture through the window of my car?
My favorite daily photos for the day:
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day
Here's my husband doing what he loves - hanging out in the desert, looking for wildlife - in this pic, he's looking for javelina for an upcoming hunt - Happy Father's Day!
My favorite daily posts for today:
Saturday, June 16, 2007
It's a boy!
I like the way this photo turned out with the dinosaurs seeming to be amazed by the little boy walking through their world. This mural is at Bedrock City, a weird but cool little attraction on the way to the Grand Canyon - it's a theme park based on the cartoon the Flinstone's, and cheap too - definitely worth the stop if you or the kids liked the cartoon!
My favorite daily photo posts for the day are:
Friday, June 15, 2007
Rodeo statue
This is a statue in old-town Scottsdale, in a nice area surrounded by lots of galleries, shops, and restaurants. One of our favorites is called Malee's on Main, a thai restaurant - yum!
my favorite daily photos for today:
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hidden treehouse
This is a nice little play area at the Phoenix Zoo; I love all the shade, especially when it's warm out
Here's my favorite daily posts for the day:
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
You take the high road....
If you go left, you're in for about an hour and a half of flat, boring driving, but it'll get you to Southern AZ; go right, and you'll go into the city of Phoenix - choices, choices
my favorite daily posts for the day:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Happy dog
What a life! Hope you catch a nap today, too, if needed!
Here are my top three favorite daily photos for today:
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Old Town Scottsdale
Scottsdale is another suburb of Phoenix, and the old town part is pretty fun to go to - lots of restaurants and shops. The people tend to be very pretty in Scottsdale (men and women), so it's fitting that this cowboy looks like an actor playing a cowboy, rather than the real thing
here's my favorite daily photos for the day:
Friday, June 8, 2007
Up in the pines
We took the ski lift at the ski resort in Flagstaff up to almost 11,000 feet - here's a shot of the top of the pines as we went up - so nice to get into the cool pine air once in awhile!
here are my top three favorite daily photos for today - Happy Friday!:
La Antigua, Guatemala
Thursday, June 7, 2007
On the road to Flagstaff
More shots from our roadtrip up to Flagstaff - this is a very pretty spot going down into a valley, kind of scary driving, though
here are my three fave daily photos for today:
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Rural, Arizona
This was taken from a roadside gas station on our way to Flagstaff - the turnoff was to a small town called McGuireville, out in the higher desert area
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Road trip
The road from Phoenix to Flagstaff is very pretty in some parts, going through low desert to high desert and finally into the pines - here's a shot not too far out of Phoenix.
Here's my favorite daily photo posts for the day: