Sunday, November 30, 2008


I hope they had kids in mind when they built this ledge - kids cannot NOT walk on it - this is still the patio of the Tempe Center for the Arts

My three favorite daily photos of today are:

Detroit, Michigan

Hyde, UK

Sitges, Spain

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another view

You can see the fireplace from the post two days ago, along with the infinity edge pool here at the Tempe Center for the Arts; Mill Avenue bridge is in the distance

My three favorite daily photos for today are:

Bellefonte, Pennsylvania

Silver Spring, Maryland

Budapest, Hungary

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Negative edge waterfall

This water pool and waterfall are on off of the patio of the Tempe Center for the Arts, looking out at Tempe Towne Lake

My three favorite daily photos for today are:

Singapore, Singapore

Ystad, Sweden

Rollag, Norway

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I've been gone awhile, lost the blogging bug and life got in the way, etc. But, I've been feeling the itch again, so I'm diving back in - here's a cozy outdoor fireplace for Thanksgiving. It's part of the outdoor patio at the Tempe Center for the Arts.

Here are some great daily photos from other parts of the world:
Boston, Massachusetts
Hononlulu, Hawaii
Arona, Italy