Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bus stop

This city bus stop is in Tempe, just outside of Tempe High School. It's very pretty, but I also heard that the artist was told to create a bus stop that would be impossible to lie down on. Gotta keep the riffraff out.

My three favorite daily photos for today are:

Boston, Massachusetts

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Silver Spring, Maryland

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Lynette said...

Oh, I love this! I want one in Portland, near to me. Wow.

Waldo Oiseau said...

That is so pretty! However, I don't mind if the "riffraff" need a little shut-eye!

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Never seen anything like that before. Love it and, like Lynette, want one in Boston. Actually, a few of these by the river would look fantastic. Lovely!

Lynette said...

I just had to look again at this creative, useful structure. Thanks for the photo.

Fenix is so right. While you're wishing, why not wish for a few along the river.

Dustin said...

Thats a neat bus stop. Very creative artist. Hopefully it creates enough shade for the riders in the summer.

Flagstaff Daily Photo