Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spring training

Our Saturday mornings (as so many other parents) are spent at the park, watching Tball. This team of 3-5 year olds is trying hard to listen to the coach, but as you can see, there are so many distractions!
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Anonymous said...

Fortunately, with 5, we didn't have to contend with these kinds of situations. They had other interests we had to contend with. Nice photo.

alice said...

They are so cute with their blue cap and their number on the back! Is one of them your son? Here, in France, I think young children under five can only begin "baby-judo" or circus activities (i don't know exactly how i could translate this...), they must wait to begin soccer. I wish you a nice weekend.

Chuckeroon said...

Nice one, here!